Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Oh my god!Yesterday mornin my father, my sister and I CLEANED OUT THE WHOLE STORE ROOM and rearranged everything back again.That was all so tiring!Not to mention the dust!I had a history of sinus actually and now I'm allergic to dust.Aniway there is some fun cleaning out the store room.I found a lot of old and cool stuff lying around.Something funny happened too.My sister went in to clear out everyting inside and while near a corner,she came across a lizard and shouted out so loud that she wanted to go out.She was at the deepest part of the store room and as the store room is small she had a hard time getting out.She was just scresming the whole time!HAHA!Aniway my dad found an old sit-up machine and assembeled it and put it in my room.I actually accepted when my father offered me the machine.Don't ask me why I accepted,I'm not quite sure myself.I think he offered me because I need excercise(hehe I'm still overweight).Anyway the day ended with all of us finding something we like including my mum(she found an old IQ game and can't stop playing hehe)who came home late from work and we brought them upstairs to our respective rooms.Until next time,bye.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

darn im late...

Hi everyone.I'm sorry because my blog is a bit belated.Anyway the first few weeks of my holidays have been A REAL DRAG.Its been so boring plus I had to come back to school for additional math classes.For two weeks I needed to come to school from monday to wednesday for math class.On each wednesday,we would have a short test which I actually failed(both to be exact).I got a very bad scolding from mrs yeo(darn!).Let's see,other than that my first week has all been about movies.I catch a lot of movies with,long time friend,Arifin.We have actually known each other for 8 years and counting.Well normally I would ask him if his free but one out of three times he would ask me.The only special occasion on the first few weeks is the open house on a sunday at my cousins house.Even so that day went really slow too.I spent most of my time there eating(I guess that explains why I'm overweight,hehe)and talking to my favourite cousin.that day was also one of the saddest days of my life,my father had given away our drumset that was sitting next to the living room to his cousin(sobs).Anyway that's all for now more tommorow.Bye.